Wabi-sabi Style For Web
The Wabi-sabi design style emphasizes simplicity, nature, simplicity and casualness, and focuses on showing the harmonious relationship between humans and nature. In this contest, we invite you to create an interior design in the Wabi-sabi style to show your understanding and creativity of this style. You can use natural materials such as logs, bamboo, and twine to create a simple, unpretentious design that fills the space with nature and warmth. Use your imagination and creativity to create a space full of nature and harmony! You can also refer to the contest cover image for more inspiration ~>
2023.07.23 -
Awards & Prizes:Top 1~6: 1-month PRO member
Popularity & Creativity Award (3 each): 1-month STYLER member
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The Wabi-sabi design style emphasizes simplicity, nature, simplicity and casualness, and focuses on showing the harmonious relationship between humans and nature. In this contest, we invite you to create an interior design in the Wabi-sabi style to show your understanding and creativity of this style. You can use natural materials such as logs, bamboo, and twine to create a simple, unpretentious design that fills the space with nature and warmth. Use your imagination and creativity to create a space full of nature and harmony! You can also refer to the contest cover image for more inspiration ~